Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tongue Twisters

As a little kid I remember having trouble saying a couple of words, as do most. One in particular comes to mind....spaghetti. For some reason it would always come out as pasghetti no matter how hard I tried. I think I remember this one the most because my older brother would constantly make me say it over and over again just so he could hear me say it wrong. Nice huh? Well, tonight for dinner I made hangabers. You may know it better as hamburgers. I must admit, I just think it is so stinkin' cute when Kyle says that, it makes me want to make hangabers every night. Another one that makes me chuckle is asslepauce. Yep, applesauce. He says apple fine. He says sauce fine. But when you put it together it just comes out asslepauce. So, I guess my brother wasn't exactly making fun of me, he just thought his baby sister was so stinkin' cute (at least that's what I tell myself) :)


Jessie February 28, 2009 at 7:24 AM  

After supper Piper usually asks for bessert :)

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