Monday, July 20, 2009

Bye Bye Paci?

Could it be true? Could my almost 4 year old be giving up his precious paci? I'm keeping my fingers crossed! You may think he just up and decided he didn't want it any more. Not exactly the case. If I waited for that, I might be packing it with his things for college. So, with a little help from our sneaky little friend, the scissors, I cut a hole in it about 2 weeks ago. He didn't notice it at first, but when he did he thought we should go to the store and buy a new one. I acted surprised and told him it looked like he was wearing it out and that there weren't anymore, so he should be careful with it. He decided he liked his paci with a hole in it and told me so. So, the other day, I made the hole a little bigger. He didn't notice it the first night, but the second night he showed it to me and was worried that the hole was getting bigger. Again, I acted surprised and told him he must be wearing it out. That's when he decided all on his own to put it on his nightstand. Then he said, "Maybe the hole with get smaller when I wake up." I said, maybe :) And here it is, still sitting in the exact same place on his nightstand, 3 nights later!

He hasn't completely forgotten about it. He did tell me the other night that we should take a rocket ship to another planet and get another one at the paci store, but he left it at that :)


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