Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Monday, the 23rd, was Daddy's birthday! He turned the ripe old age of 34 :) We celebrated with his favorite dinner and, of course, cake. This year it wasn't just any cake. Back in September when Kyle was trying to decided which cake he wanted for his birthday, Daddy was telling him all about the cakes he had when he was a kid. One in particular came to mind, the Cookie Monster cake. We asked Nana to scan a picture of it and send it to us so Kyle could see it. It turns out that the Cookie Monster cake was really an Ernie cake! Must be the old age kicking in. Anyway, how could I resist an opportunity to make a Cookie Monster cake for a grown man. So, here it is....

Happy Birthday to my sweet husband, I hope you had a great day!


A's December 1, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

You do great work! Looks awesome!

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