The Rest of July
Here's a little recap of the rest of our July. Katie is still growing by leaps and bounds. She and Abbey have now become buddies. One day I caught her covering up Abbey with my dish towel. She thought it was hilarious. Me too.

Here's a little recap of the rest of our July. Katie is still growing by leaps and bounds. She and Abbey have now become buddies. One day I caught her covering up Abbey with my dish towel. She thought it was hilarious. Me too.
We left for Pennsylvania the following week. Grammy and Papa joined me and the kids on this journey. The kids and I went to visit my best friend Kristin and her family back in my old home town, while my parents visited several of their friends in the area. It was fun to be back and is was so much fun hanging with her. Just like old times... except we now have 5 kids between the two of us! It was the first time the kids have gotten together and they just had a ball. We always talk about Aunt Kristin, Uncle Bob, Lorelai and April, but now the kids can put a name with a face. Here they all are playing in the pool!
We started off our summer fun with a trip to Nana and G-Daddy's for 4th of July weekend. We always look forward to hanging out at the lake, but it was even more fun this year because they got a new boat, a super nice pontoon that was fit for the entire clan and more! I'm so glad they finally took the plunge. They've been talking about it for years, but thought owning a pontoon somehow signified the end of their youth. Heck, I'd consider a pontoon for myself. Lots of room, some nice shade, and no wakes to spill your drink :) The kids just loved it. The boys took turns being Captain and Katie let the wind sweep through her hair!
Father's Day was on June 19th this year. We were lucky enough to have Nana and G-Daddy in town to celebrate with us too. We decided to make it a little interesting this year and make Daddy search for his present. The boys drew him a treasure map and proudly followed him on his quest to find his treasure.
Kyle has had way too many ear infections over the last year, so it looks like the culprit might be the adenoids and possibly the tonsils. So, the week after school ended Kyle had both out. The Dr. said he had the largest tonsils he'd seen in a kid his age. I guess that was a good move on our part to get rid of them, seeing as we might have run into problems later on. I must say this was a rough surgery for us all. The recovery was just way more difficult than I had imagined. He enjoyed the numerous slushies, but I'm sure he'd say it wasn't worth it. He really was in a lot pain for a good week and it just broke my heart. Once he could eat normal foods again, we had to stick to soft stuff for 30 days! Not fun when you have to tell your kid he can't have any chips, cookies, crackers, etc. for 30 days! He was definitely a trooper through it all and we were so proud of him.
Read more...Meet Special Agent Kyle and Special Agent Ryan. They are currently training for their next mission.....Mission Impossible. The boys decided to have some fun with a ball of yarn.
Ahh...the weather is warm and it's time to hit the pool! Lucky for us, we just have to walk next door and jump in. Check out our little Katie. I'm gonna miss those chubby little legs one day.
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