Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where's Frosty?

So, our great snow was a huge bust the other day! Nothing but a dusting here. However, south of the city got a couple of inches, so schools were definitely closed. I was so tempted to get in my car and drive the kids to a park down there to play in the snow and then I thought better of it, with all of those white knuckled drivers out there. I was totally bummed. I even got out the snow pants and boots for the kids the night before (yes, we own snow pants and boots believe it or not.) Oh well, there's still time for another snow, right? I'll keep my fingers crossed.

We just bought a new point and shoot camera, so I had that already to go too. I was trying out this cool little feature it has called smile shutter. It detects your smile and snaps the picture. It really does work, surprisingly. See for yourself....

Nice try, still gotcha!


A's January 23, 2009 at 7:04 AM  

It's 82 in Austin today, so no snow here either! We can take the kids to the ice rink to play in the "snow" (ice shavings from the zamboni)but somehow it's not the same....

Jessie January 23, 2009 at 9:40 AM  

Nice shot of Rick :) You should take the kids to the mountains before it melts there too.

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