Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The First of Many

Gosh, I feel like we've been lucky so far! Although they do their best everyday to injure themselves in one way or another, we have managed to avoid anything major. We've had scraped knees, busted lips and a chipped tooth, but this one is by far the worst. Somehow we managed to avoid the emergency room.....barely. Ryan was out on the driveway running with his digger and it slipped out from under him with nothing to catch the fall but his sweet little face. Ouch! This one had me pretty worried because he hit his head so hard on the pavement. The pediatrician had me watch him closely for an hour and thankfully no signs of a head injury. We'll just chalk it up to the first of many, right? I know I can't make him wear a helmet 24/7, but I want to :) This is what he looked like the next day. My poor baby!

It hadn't scabbed over yet in this picture. It looked pretty nasty, confirmed by the cringing people when they see him when we're out at Target or the grocery store. It's now been a week and it looks so much better, thank goodness!


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